Cross Creek Ranch


Design Review Committee

The Board of Directors has approved the formation of the Design Review Committee (DRC) to ensure our community's Design Guidelines are followed.
The DRC will review applications for new improvements, modifications, and variances submitted by homeowners, evaluating them against our community standards and offering recommendations for approval. The board will appoint 3 to 7 Cross Creek residents to join the committee. If you're passionate about our community's aesthetics and are in good standing with the Association, we encourage you to apply. 

Grounds Committee

The purpose of the Grounds Committee is to identify projects and objectives as they relate to the maintenance and enhancement of property and facilities for which the Association has responsibility pursuant to the governing documents for Cross Creek Ranch.

Resident Advisory Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to serve as a liaison from the residents of Cross Creek Ranch to the Board in order to provide input to the Board with respect to suggestions or concerns as to any matter concerning the Association. The Committee is vested with advisory powers only and is not authorized to act on behalf of the Association.
  • Justin Prust
  • Shareece Dumont 

Tennis Committee

The purpose of the Committee is to assist with the monitoring of the Association tennis courts, reporting any deterioration, recommend plans/improvements and any other issues regarding the courts to the Board.
  • Celeste Burke Fatheree
  • MaryAnn Smith
  • Barbara Joe
  • Gabby Montes
  • Camilo Rodriguez
  • Paul Foster

Foundation Committee

What is your foundation committee?
Your Community Foundation Committee (YCFC) gives residents the comfort and pride in knowing that the unsurpassed quality they've come to expect from Johnson Development Corporation (JDC) award-winning communities will be maintained, sustained, and even enhanced throughout the years! 
Click here to learn more about YCFC!
YCFC at Cross Creek
YCFC at Cross Creek Ranch is dedicated to making the community a better place to live.  Click here to see the ways YCFC is making an impact at Cross Creek Ranch, and click here to view our projects and YCFC Spotlight!
Children's Catastrophic Fund
Residents of Cross Creek Ranch take pride in knowing their community supports families who are challenged with the financial stress of caring for a child with a chronic, debilitating illness or congenital or genetic disorder. The Children's Catastrophic Fund (CCF) has been established to help ease financial pressures through grants to deserving families. The fund, supported by foundation fees, says, "We are here for you, and we care." View the Children's Catastrophic Fund guidelines and grant application.
Grant Projects
The purpose of grants funded by Cross Creek Ranch Foundation Fees is to invest in the future of Cross Creek Ranch and the surrounding community, to supplement and complement the functions of the Cross Creek Ranch Community Association, Inc. (CCRCA), and to enhance services and resources to the community through the funding of programs, activities, and events in and around Cross Creek Ranch. The Foundation Committee serves CCRCA by reviewing applications for grants and recommending to the Board expenditures of the Foundation Fees that meet these purposes. 
View the grant application and the grant guidelines to learn more.